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Fenix BT20 Bicycle Headlight (XM-L T6 NW, 750 lm, 18650/CR123A) VT20 is a professional bicycle headlight. The world's first bicycle lamp with a 2-zone lighting system. Neutral white light for better visibility 4000-4300K.
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Fenix BT20 Bicycle Headlight (XM-L T6 NW, 750 lm, 18650/CR123A) VT20 is a professional bicycle headlight. The world's first bicycle lamp with a 2-zone lighting system. Neutral white light for better visibility 4000-4300K.

Fenix BT20 (XM-L T6 NW, 750 lm, 18650/CR123A)
ANSI Minimum Average Maximum Turbo Strobe light
Brightness 100 lumen 300 lumens 450 lumens 750 lumens 300 lumens
Working hours 21 h 6,5 h 4 hours 2 hours -
Distance 156 m
Impact resistance 1 m
Water resistance IPX6
Dimensions 67,8 mm (length) 43.9 mm (width) 56.6 mm (case diameter)
Weight 115 g (without batteries)
Package contents Battery pack, three rubber rings of different sizes, extension cord, battery pack case, helmet mount
Batteries 2x18650 or 4xCR123A Type of reflector Combined
Housing material Aviation aluminum, Impact-resistant plastic Type of optical system Reflector
Body coating Anodizing of the III degree Packaging Cardboard gift Box
Enabling Clock button Switching modes The button in the head part

Note: The above parameters (Fenix laboratory tests using branded ARB-L2 18650 batteries) are approximate and may vary depending on the flashlight, batteries and the environment.

< span style="font-size: x-small;" size="2">FEATURES

Cree XM-L (T6) neutral white LED
Aspherical reflector, wide beam angle
• cifsteady current stabilization - maintaining constant brightness
• Low battery indication
• The non-glaring design of the optical system provides 2-zone road lighting
Easily attached and removed with mounting rings on the steering wheel with a diameter of 20 – 35 mm
Freely adjustable in the direction of the light beam


< span style="font-size: x-small;" size="2">VT20 -professional bicycle headlight with a 2-zone lighting system.
The headlight has extensive floodlighting - directly in front of the bike and at a long distance. Neutral white LED has better permeability and color rendering, helping night bike bikers to determine the natural color of objects and navigate the terrain. This provides bsafety for various types of riding: in the mountains, hiking, rough terrain, etc.

2-zone lighting system: extensive floodlight is created thanks to the aspherical structure of the reflector. The distance of the searchlight beam is more than 150 meters. The upper beam, refracted by the lens, forms auxiliary lighting directly in front of the bike, out of reach of a conventional bicycle headlight. Also, this beam does not blind oncoming passers-by, it is directed under the wheel and is refracted from the ground without getting into the eyes of passers-by.  

The headlight has a aerodynamic design. Heat removal is carried out instantly and the surface does not heat up. The headlight can rotate 360 degrees, easily mounted on the steering wheel and bike helmet. Mode selection is carried out with one click.  

Easy to attach and remove. VT20 is made of high-quality components and materials. The material of the headlight is aviation aluminum.  

Индикатор заряда батарей
Зеленый – емкость батарей от 50 до 100% (достаточная)  
Красный – емкость батарей от 50 до 20% (внимание)
Красный мигающий – емкость батарей менее 20% (требуется замена/зарядка батарей)

1. Велофара  ВТ20 
2. Батарейный отсек ВА4С на 2 АКБ 18650   
3. 6 крепежных колец на руль (2 больших, 2 средних и 2 малых)
Примечание: большое кольцо предназначено для руля диаметром 30-35 мм, среднее для руля 24-30 мм и малое для руля 20-24 мм.
4. Удлинитель  
5. Защитный чехол для батарейного отсека  со стропами крепления к раме
6. Крепление на велошлем
7. Инструкция, гарантийный талон 


Функция предупреждения о низком заряде батарей

Фонарь имеет функцию предупреждения о низком заряде батарей. Индикатор заряда на велофаре изменит цвет с зеленого на красный по мере падения заряда. В этом случае батареи следует заменить, иначе фонарь может внезапно выключиться, когда батареи полностью разрядятся. Для обеспечения нормальной работы фонарь сначала понизит уровень яркости вместо того, чтобы автоматически выключиться, и Вы сможете пользоваться им более продолжительное время.

1. При использовании 4-х батарей CR123A функция предупреждения о низком заряде не будет работать штатно.
2. При использовании 4-х аккумуляторов 16340 LiFePO4 функция предупреждения о низком заряде не будет работать штатно. Поэтому мы рекомендуем заменить батареи, как только фонарь перестанет переключаться в режим Турбо. В противном случае аккумуляторы будут повреждены либо срок их службы будет укорочен.


Тип Размеры Номин. напряжение Использование
Аккумуляторы Fenix ARB-L2 18650 3.6V Рекомендуется
Литиевые батареи CR123A 3.0V Рекомендуется
Аккумуляторы (Li-ion) 16340 3.7V ЗАПРЕЩЕНО! χ
Аккумуляторы (Li-ion) 18650 3.7V С осторожностью !
Аккумуляторы (LiFePO4) 16340 3.2V Штатно
Аккумуляторы (LiFePO4) 18650 3.2V ЗАПРЕЩЕНО! χ


Управление фонарем

1. Нажмите и удерживайте кнопку питания в течение 0.8 секунды, чтобы включить / выключить фонарь.
2. Выберите режим однократным нажатием на кнопку в следующей последовательности Турбо
Максимальный → Минимальный → Средний.  
3. Дважды нажмите на кнопку, чтобы переключиться в мерцающий режим, однократное нажатие на кнопку снова вернет фонарь в режимы яркости.
1. Как любой мощный фонарь, ВТ20 накапливает большое кол-во тепла при длительной работе в Турбо режиме. Интеллектуальная схема понизит яркость фонаря, чтобы защитить его от перегрева.    
2. BT20 запомнит последний выбранный режим яркости даже при замене элементов питания (мерцающий режим не запоминается). В следующий раз велофара включится в последнем использованном режиме яркости. 

Инструкция по креплению

Крепление велофары на руль
1. Поверните фару перпендикулярно основанию. В зависимости от размера руля выберите одно из 3-х крепежных колец.
2. Выберите одно из 3-х колец, подходящее по диаметру к рулю. Наденьте кольцо стороной без язычка на сторону основания с логотипом Fenix.
3. Установите конструкцию на руль (логотипом вперед), протяните кольцо под рулем за язычок и вставьте в задний слот основания.
4. В зависимости от требований к освещению отрегулируйте направление луча велофары, протестируйте режимы работы. Примечание: Вы можете регулировать тугость между фарой и основанием с помощью винта под основанием.

Крепление велофары на шлем
1. Turn the headlight perpendicular to the base.
2. Choose a medium-sized ring. Put the ring on the side without the tab on the side of the base with the Fenix logo.
3. Install the design on the helmet mount, pull the ring under the mount by the tongue and insert it into the rear slot of the base.
4. Place the mount in the center of the helmet and push each sling inside, and then pull it out through 2 ventilation holes on each side.
5. Pull the end of each sling to the upper edge of the corresponding clamp.
6. Insert the slings into the clips and tighten the fastener.

Battery compartment mounting
1. Unscrew the nut in the battery compartment cover in the direction of the arrow and open the battery compartment.
2. Insert the batteries inside, observing the polarity according to the marking. Close the battery compartment and tighten the nut.
3. Put a protective case on the battery compartment.
4. Wrap the slings of the protective cover around the top of the bicycle frame. Thread the slings into the two slots at the bottom of the cover and secure the cover to the frame.
5. Insert the headlight cable into the battery compartment connector until a characteristic click.
6. If you need to disconnect the cable, you need to turn the connectors and pull in different directions at the same time.


Important Notes:
1. BT20 is a high brightness device, avoid direct light contact with the eyes, so as not to cause damage.    
2. Do not touch the metal parts of the VT20, as the LED emits heat during the glow.      
3. Waterproof according to the IPX-6 standard, VT20 can be used in wet conditions (rain, fog, snowfall, etc.), but is not intended for diving.    
4. Please keep the flashlight out of reach of children.
Tips for night driving:
1. Never drive alone.
2. Always inform someone about where you are or about your route.  
3. Use a helmet and reflective clothing.   4. Take a spare flashlight and first aid equipment with you.  
5. Make sure that the headlight, holder and battery compartment are securely fastened. 

Daily care

1. Carefully disconnect the headlight cable from the battery compartment connector. To avoid damage, twist the connector and pull the cable out.
2. If you are not using the device, disconnect the cable from the battery compartment. Remove the batteries to avoid damage from leaks of substandard batteries and the likelihood of an explosion. 3. Remove the headlight, battery compartment and protective cover while the bike is stored.
4. Please do not disassemble the sealed parts of the lamp, this may cause damage and loss of warranty. 

The most frequently asked questions about Fenix BT20/BT10 bicycle lights

1. Why did Fenix release BT20/10 bicycle lights?
(1) With the growth of bicycle light users around the world, governments are increasingly concerned about the safety standards of night bicycle trains, meanwhile the demand for advanced powerful bicycle lights is increasing. Thus, new opportunities for high-quality bicycle lights and accessories appear on the market. (2) Currently, there are not many influential brands of velofars on the market, especially in the segment of medium- and high-quality professional bicycle lights. (3) Since beginners and ordinary users do not know much about bicycle lights and are more interested in the price, there is still a lot of information work to raise awareness about bicycle lights. (4) The increasing individual requirements of consumers contradict the uniformity of the offered velofars (from medium to high-quality). Thus, there is a large space for market segmentation.
(5) Bicycle lights are similar to other Fenix products in concepts such as design principles, technological research and development, engineering, production and personnel qualification requirements, etc.
(6) Fenix will expand the range of bicycle lights and accessories in the near future to meet the growing demand for high-quality light among cycling athletes and amateurs.

2. How are the BT20/10 positioned? And who are their target consumers?
BT20/10 are focused on the medium and high-quality (expensive) market. These are the first bicycle lights using 2-zone lighting. Having an extensive searchlight, they can provide visibility directly in front of the bike and at a long distance, satisfying the requirements of fans of both urban and mountain riding from 16 to 60.

3. What are the advantages of BT20/10 over similar products on the market?
(1) Reliable quality. BT20/10 continues the tradition of excellent quality and high efficiency of Fenix products. (2) Optical system: Using the world's first 2-zone lighting system, which provides visibility directly in front of the bike and at a long distance, the aspherical reflector produces extensive floodlight illumination, giving the user a wide angle during night riding. (3) Stylish design: The appearance of the BT20/10 is designed by experienced industrial developers as a result of long discussions. It turned out to be refined, corresponding to fashion and the requirements of aerodynamics. (4) High power: BT20/10 is 40% brighter than most similar products of the same value.

4. What is the difference between BT10 and BT20 user groups?
Both groups require lighting for mountain bikes, but the maximum power of the lights and the types of batteries vary. Users can make their choice based on driving conditions, battery availability, etc.

5. Why do some bicycle lights have a light cut-off? Are there any requirements for mountain bike bicycle lights?
On some busy roads, for example, city roads or roads near schools, in order not to blind pedestrians or oncoming drivers, some bicycle lights have light cut-offs. Fenix products are designed for mountain bikes and riding conditions involve fewer vehicles and pedestrians. The headlight has a special lens that refracts part of the light to avoid blinding pedestrians and drivers.

6. Why do both headlamps use a neutral white LED instead of a cool white one?
Neutral white light has better color reproduction and deeper light transmission in fog and rain. Thanks to the softer beam profile, you will be able to see the path more clearly in difficult weather conditions, such as snowfall. Thus, a neutral white light is more suitable for driving outside the city.

7. How to check the brightness of the BT10/BT20 velofar?
The brightness levels of Fenix products are tested strictly in accordance with ANSI standards.

8. What are the advantages of Fenix velofar aspherical reflectors?
(1) With an aspherical reflector, the beam shape is more perfect without darkening in the center of the light spot.
(2) With a textured reflector, the beam profile is softer.

9. What material are the rings made of for mounting on the steering wheel? Are they reliable?
The rings are made of a triple copolymer of ethylene, propylene and diene rubber and have passed strict tests for high and low temperatures, stretching for full confidence in their reliability. However, the service life of the rings varies depending on the type of operation by different users. If your ring gets damaged in 2 years from the start of operation, you can replace it free of charge at a local distributor.

10. What certification has Fenix products passed?
Fenix bicycle lights have passed CE, FCC, WEEE and RoHS certification. 


Fenix BT20 Bicycle Headlight (XM-L T6 NW, 750 lm, 18650/CR123A) reviews

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