Sales of ERCOLINA ski simulators and TECSO racing overalls have resumed

Dear customers!

Sales of ERCOLINA ski simulators and all related accessories have resumed in the Alaska store.

Ercolina ski simulators are an indispensable tool for the development of a skier's shoulder girdle. Skiing training cannot fully have the desired effect on the "right muscles". Only the ERCOLINA ski simulator accurately simulates the movements and efforts of a skier, develops the shoulder girdle in a short time and forms the correct application of force. It is no coincidence that the ERCOLINA ski simulator is adopted by all the strongest skiers and biathletes.

Martin Fourcade, Justina Kovalchik, Alexander Legkov, Ilya Chernousov, the strongest national teams in the world can not do without special training with the ERCOLINA simulator.

Thanks to the easy and quick adjustment of the applied effort, the installation height and even the width of the skier's shoulders, the ERCOLINA simulator is useful for both novice skiers and professionals.

Swimmers, rowers and triathletes have also long understood the "magic" effect of the ERCOLINA simulator.

Training with the ERCOLINA simulator will not replace training in the pool at all, but it may well complement them and allow you to keep fit in the absence of the ability to swim.

Where to buy an ERCOLINA ski simulator:

Online store Alaska

Phone:+7 (495) 778-71-74
Delivery by courier in Moscow
Delivery in Russia by courier service EMS, Russian post and transport companies